Quitting smoking and personality changes..

Kinja'd!!! "Birddog" (maintmgt)
09/08/2016 at 20:50 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!3 Kinja'd!!! 33

I never knew how much of my inner A-hole Cigarettes kept under wraps until I quit cold turkey. After a short break it became pretty clear.

I’ve tried several times in the past. Pills, Patches, Gum.. Nothing worked. They helped but I was just spending Smoke money on subsistitutes. Cold Turkey Isn’t all Sunshine but it’s working as long as my friends and coworkers can tolerate my intolerable attitude.

This isn’t an apology post. I have to own my A-holery.

The big bonus here is that there’s an extra $75 a week that stays in the Bank! And I have plans for that savings.


Kinja'd!!! JRapp: now as good as new again > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 20:53


Stick through it. The A-holery is temporary; health and wallet benefits aren’t.

Kinja'd!!! The Lurktastic Opponaught > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 20:53


Good for you.

Kinja'd!!! Honeybunchesofgoats > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 20:54


Best of luck on quitting!

If it helps, think of this as a “get away with being an asshole free” card.

“Good morning!”

“Go fuck yourself.”


“Sorry, boss, I’m quitting smoking.”

“Oh, okay.”

Kinja'd!!! My citroen won't start > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 20:56


I don’t plan on quitting just yet, smoking makes my life all the more bearable. I wish you luck on your endeavor, and envy your force of will.

Kinja'd!!! Tristan > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 20:56


Stick with it. I was a 1-2 pack a day guy for about 10 years. I finally quit cold Turkey on a deployment to Afghanistan in 2013. Figured if I could make it through that without cracking, home life would be cake. I’ve been smoke free since then. I still crave it every now and then, but I just convince myself that I can’t start down that “I can have just one l” road again. Spoiler alert: you can’t have just 1.

Kinja'd!!! fhrblig > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 21:04


I’m pulling for you. I’m having trouble cutting back on cigars. I’ve never smoked cigarettes, but cigars have been my stress relief for over twenty years and it’s hard to give that up.

Kinja'd!!! For Sweden > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 21:05


They helped but I was just spending Smoke money on substitutes.

That’s still an improvement

Kinja'd!!! beardsbynelly - Rikerbeard > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 21:07


I had something similar, but found it wasn’t so much my inner a-holery that came out, it was more that I didn’t have the easy excuse to go outside and have a smoke whenever I was getting frustrated or annoyed at somebody/something.

I’ve replaced it with tea and haven’t looked back.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > JRapp: now as good as new again
09/08/2016 at 21:09


My Blood Pressure is down after a week. The wallet is the physical motivation. It feels fatter already.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > Honeybunchesofgoats
09/08/2016 at 21:11


It wasn’t the boss but my 2nd shift partner did get a shock.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > fhrblig
09/08/2016 at 21:15


I’ll go back to Cigars eventually. Cigs are just too cheap and easy.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > My citroen won't start
09/08/2016 at 21:19


I won’t become that preachy Ex-smoker. I work with one. That actually makes it harder. All in time.

Kinja'd!!! Spaceball-Two > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 21:20


Good luck man! I quit after 20+ years and it's by far the hardest thing I've ever done.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > Spaceball-Two
09/08/2016 at 21:29


30 years. 30 years of lighting dollar bills on fire.

Thanks! The cravings are worst in the morning with coffee.

Kinja'd!!! Spaceball-Two > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 21:30


And driving. That was the hard part.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > For Sweden
09/08/2016 at 21:33


It is but.. I’ve smoked while on the substitutes. And the pills? Never ever again! Those should be outlawed because the side effects are very real.

Kinja'd!!! Alfalfa > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 21:33



Bronco believes in you!

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > Tristan
09/08/2016 at 21:38


“Spoiler alert: you can’t have just 1"

No joke there!

Thanks for your service over in the Sandbox. I recently lost a close Cousin that served there.

Kinja'd!!! E92M3 > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 21:39


You’re going to be an ass while you go thru the nicotine withdrawal. I had the best luck with e-cigs. In a way they satisfy the inhaling/exhaling, holding something in your hand desire that gum nor the patch can do. The only downside is you’re still getting nicotine delivery (albeit in a healthier way), and it’s very easy to up your daily nicotine intake if you aren’t careful. Mainly because you don’t have to go outside to use them, like you would a real cigarettes.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > E92M3
09/08/2016 at 21:46


I think I’m through the worst of it. I can keep control of what I say or do without freaking out.

I’ve tried E Cigs too and they just didn’t do it. I think just flat out stopping is best.

Now, If I try quitting Beer? That may be an issue.

Kinja'd!!! Matt Nichelson > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 21:53


I agree woth this. Chantix can fuck right off as far as I am concerned. I tried it twice and hated it both times. I’m still not to the point where I am ready to quit, but maybe one day I will.

Kinja'd!!! FTTOHG Has Moved to https://opposite-lock.com > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 22:32


Cold turkey is The only I way I could quit too. Hang in there, it gets better arter a few days. The cravings never totally go away but they get to be fewer and don't make you act like an ass soon enough.

Kinja'd!!! Hot Takes Salesman > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 23:02


Quitting beer? Okay let's not be ridiculous here

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > FTTOHG Has Moved to https://opposite-lock.com
09/08/2016 at 23:03


I went through the worst a few days ago. An ass on Oppo, on one of Stef’s FP posts and one of Raphs and the guy I have to work with. I don’t like him much to begin with though so no love lost there.

Sooo. I may still be in withdraw.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > Hot Takes Salesman
09/08/2016 at 23:27


Unless a Doc tells me? There’s no quitting Beer. I haven’t tried every “cheap” Beer out there yet. I could write an interesting review of Rockdale Light from Walmart.

I’m an afficianado of cheap beer.

Kinja'd!!! AfromanGTO > Birddog
09/08/2016 at 23:56


Go running! You’ll feel better wants you cough all of that shit out of your lungs.

Kinja'd!!! shop-teacher > Birddog
09/09/2016 at 00:06


Keep it up man! The asshole part will go away.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > AfromanGTO
09/09/2016 at 00:13


Are you trying to kill me?!


That’s the goal oddly. I want to go “jogging” with my Dog. I used to run back in my 20s and 30s then I got married. I’ve fixed the “I Do” now I have to fix the rest of my fuchery.

Kinja'd!!! Sovereign, Purveyor of Coupes > Birddog
09/09/2016 at 02:59


Sounds like me, just replace cheap beer with cheap vodka.

Kinja'd!!! Roundbadge > Birddog
09/09/2016 at 03:29


I quit cold turkey in 1998. I was really getting concerned that smokes were $1.75 a pack.

I’m really glad I did. You’ll be glad you did, too. Good job, and stick to it!

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > Roundbadge
09/09/2016 at 04:35


I remember saying I’d quit if they hit $2 per pack. That was 1990ish.

$6/pack and too many years later..

Kinja'd!!! The Stig's former college room mate > Birddog
09/09/2016 at 08:47


I know what you mean about the inner asshole. i quit 13 months ago. ever since, i’ve had a very short fuse. i don’t think it will ever go away. also, i’m getting fatter.

Kinja'd!!! AfromanGTO > Birddog
09/09/2016 at 11:25


Just start little by little. Try running down to the end of the street, and walk back. Keep on doing it until you can run there and back without any issues. Then start running around the block. It’ll come back to you, but not as quick as you’d like.